Terms And Conditions

Hidden Rooms

Cocktail Lounge & Events Venue
Passionate about drinks, proud of our independence.

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Terms & Conditions
Hidden Rooms expects and maintains a level of decorum and class that sets it apart, makes it unique without being pretentious. We care about our unrivalled reputation and we would hope that you do too. If this suits you, then please find us. You'll be happy that you did and so will we.

Cocktail Lounge Reservation Terms

At a glance:

Thank you for your booking. Remember to bring ID we are strictly over 18's only and may request proof af age at any time.

You have a confirmed area based on your stated party size, so please double-check that you have submitted the correct number of guests - additional guests may be denied entry.

Arrival & Departure time: 

You must arrive no earlier or later than 15 minutes before or after your agreed arrival time. 

Failure will result in your reserved area being released to other customers, entry WILL be denied and your authorised card total will be converted into the relevant penalty payment, which we will then claim.

If you wish to stay longer than your reserved time, ask your server on arrival. You will otherwise be expected to vacate your table at the end of your reserved time.

You HAVE ALREADY AGREED to the following conditions of your reservation, during the booking process. A reminder:

Due to our ever-changing social landscape, IT MAY BE NECCESARY FOR HIDDEN ROOMS TO CANCEL your booking at anytime, with or without giving any reason at the time of cancellation.

While we apologise, in advance for any inconvenience or disappointment this might cause, we will not be held liable for your direct or indirect costs or damages arising as a result of such a cancellation.

We promise to give as much notice as possible in such an event. If we are holding monies in lieu of your reservation, you will be fully refunded.


Reservations may ONLY be taken online.

You must reserve your space for 2 - 8 guests in total.

Any additional guests therefore, will not be permitted entry.

Reservations close at 3pm on a Friday afternoon for Friday evening and midnight on a Friday for a Saturday Evening.

If you arrive early, we might not be able to serve you until your alloted time frame.

If you arrive very late or not at all, there will be a surcharge.

Table service (applicable for parties of up to 8 only):

On arrival, you will be shown to your allocated area, we take your order and bring drinks to your table.

Bills are settled at the end of your stay, prior to departure.

We do not charge a service fee ever.

Staff retain 100% of any tip you might feel comfortable to leave them.

Reservation Agreement Fee: (Bookings of 2 - 4 only)

We authenticate your payment card to the value of £10 per person, on confirmation of your online booking,

An authentication does not hold funds against your credit limit.

No transaction will show on that card, unless the terms of the agreement are broken by you.

Reservation Minimum Spend: (Bookings of 5 up to 8 only)

This £200 charge is a minimum spend which will be credited to your final bill following a successful booking. 

 No cash refund will be made for any portion of bar 'underspend'. 

You will immediately forfeit this amount if you you cancel within 24 hours of your booking date, fail to turn up, or arrive later than 15 minutes after your booking time or breach any of our general terms and conditions: https://www.hiddenrooms.co.uk/termsandconditions.

Exclusive Area Reservation Minimum Spend: (Bookings of 9 up to 20 only)

The £20 per guest charge comprises of a £15 minimum spend which will be credited to your final bill following a successful booking and £5 Service Charge

No cash refund will be made for any portion of bar 'underspend'.

You will immediately forfeit this amount if you you cancel within 24 hours of your booking date, fail to turn up, or arrive later than 15 minutes after your booking time or breach any of our general terms and conditions: https://www.hiddenrooms.co.uk/termsandconditions.


We would be unable to accommodate unscheduled 'popping out' to the shops. So please plan your stay with us carefully.

Departure time:

To ensure fairness to all clients, you need to vacate your reserved area promptly at the end of your allotted time.

Please ensure guests are aware of this condition.


No decorations permitted.


No catering permitted. This covers any form of confectionery including cake.

Fancy dress:

We do not allow any form of fancy dress including feather boas.

Music and dancing policy:

We’re NOT a night club. We play music at background levels.

Our Cocktail Lounge, with low-key soundtrack adding warmth to the atmosphere, encourages friendly conversation.

The Cocktail Lounge is not suitable for dancing.

Please ensure you inform all of your guests, as we would not want anyone to be misled.


Failure to attend your booking, late arrival, incorrect cancellation procedure, inappropriate guest behaviour or breach of any of our t&c's will result in forfeiture of your reservation agreement fee.

Cancellation (for up to 4 guests) at least 24 hours prior to the date of reservation:

We permit official cancellations by email on this booking thread only for bookings of up to 4 guests.

We require at least 24 hours notice to qualify an official cancellation.

We will NOT retain the authenticated card amount if a cancellation is made in this way.


Please message us here also.

Post Reservation:

No charge will be applied upon successful completion of your booking.

Exclusive Area for 9 to 20 Guests

Your pre-spend payment:  We charge to insure against cancellations. We feel that the fairest way to do this, is to request a ‘guaranteed spend per area’. Beverage prices are subject to change at any time without notice.

Agreed arrival time: You must arrive no later than 15 minutes after your agreed arrival time. Failure to do so will result in your exclusive area being released to other customers. Your pre-spend payment will not be refunded.

Departure time: To ensure fairness to all clients, you’ll be required to leave your area, promptly, at the end of your allotted time. Please ensure your guests are aware of this important condition.

Decorations & Catering: No decorations permitted. No catering permitted. This covers any form of confectionery, including cake.

Fancy dress: We do not allow any form of fancy dress including feather boas.

Table service: Not available for this party size.

Music and dancing policy: Hidden Rooms is NOT a nightclub. We play pre-selected music at background levels. Please ensure you inform all of your guests, as we would not want anyone to be misled.

Refunds: Refunds will not be made under any circumstances, at any time , including customer cancellation, failure to attend your booking, late arrival, under use of prespends or inappropriate guest behaviour.

Union Society Offer


Discount Bar at Hidden Rooms’ public sessions for union society members


Offer: Headline – 20% off Drinks

20% off products listed on the full-priced bar top menu. 

Please produce proof of membership prior to ordering.



Products not listed on the full priced bar top menu are excluded from this discount.

Discount not offered in conjunction with already discounted tariffs or offers.

Offer limited to individual union members’ drinks only – not extended to accompanying, non-union guests.

Offer applies only to Hidden Rooms promoted and operated public sessions, not private hire or third party promoted events.


Discounted Venue Hire.


Offer: Headline – 50% off Venue Hire

We offer a discretionary reduction in weekday evening private hire for Union Society members. Enquiries must be made from a Cambridge University registered email (.ac.uk) address or accompany proof of Union Society membership.

Bookings completed and paid for within 10 days' receipt of initial enquiry to qualify for up to 20% discount on 'Option 1' Hire Only. 

Bookings completed within a timeframe of just 5 days, are eligible for a 50% discount on 'Option 1' Hire Only.


Cocktail Class Voucher


Offer: Headline – £50 off Cocktail Class

We understand that this is offered as a prize for members taking part in debates.


A voucher will reduce the full price of any cocktail class advertised at www.hiddenrooms.co.uk/cocktailclasses by £50.00



Classes must be held at Hidden Rooms and selected from our published list of classes.

All terms and conditions of the individual classes will apply and are divulged throughout the initial online enquiry process, which must be adhered to.

Part, or Entire Venue Hire for 20 to 180 Guests


We request a planning meeting at Hidden Rooms prior to progressing your enquiry to a Hire Agreement.  This gives you a chance to best assess our space for needs and discuss important details on site.

Hire Agreement

This will arrive via email following your viewing and acceptance of our general terms.


We require 50% deposit on signature of your Hire Agreement, followed by the balance at least two months prior to event date.  When an enquiry is received for an event date less than than two calendar months hence, the full balance is due on signature of the Hire Agreement.

Refunds: Refunds will not be made under any circumstances, at any time , including customer cancellation, failure to attend your booking, late arrival, under use of prespends or inappropriate guest behaviour.

Party Decorations:

All decoration items must be approved by the venue. Glitter, confetti (including filled balloons), feather boas, party poppers and some other items are prohibited for health and safety reasons.

Decorations permitted only within hired area and must not be placed in any other part or outside of the venue or obstruct access or exits.

All decoration items to be presented to venue management for approval prior to display.

Access times for any preparation are subject to venue management approval and convenience.

Client's or Guests' Possessions:

All CLIENT'S items and belongings must be removed from the venue once the event has ended. Overnight storage of any type of item is not possible.

Any gifts brought onto the premises must be kept in the venue's cloakroom. 

Access to, or use of gifted alcohol will not be permitted during the event.

Although every care is taken of Items deposited in the venue's cloakroom facility, the venue will not be held responsible in any circumstances for any loss, damage or injury suffered as a consequence of using this facility.

Exclusive Hire Drinks Tokens: Where a Pre-Purchased Drinks Tokens option has been selected, unused drinks tokens will not be refunded.

Exclusive Hire Catering: Catering is available via Hidden Rooms approved supplier only. We do not permit other outside catering. 

Confectionery or cake will not be permitted without written permission from the venue.

Private Hire / Event Cancellation: The management of HIDDEN ROOMS reserve the right to cancel any event at any time without giving reason at that time. 

Warning: Laser Lighting is used in Events Room, although proven harmless, please advise venue prior to start of event if this is likely to offend.

Discount and special offers:  We reserve the right to change our discount and special offer incentives from time to time without publicising such offers.

21's and Student Societies:  We offer a discretionary reduction in weekday evening private hire for Cambridge Students' 21st birthday and Cambridge University Society events.  Enquiries must be made from a Cambridge University registered email (.ac.uk) address and agreement and balance must be made with with 10 days' receipt of initial enquiry to qualify for up to 20% discount on 'Option 1' Hire Only.  Bookings completed within a timeframe of just 5 days, are eligible for a 50% discount on 'Option 1' Hire Only.

General Terms and Conditions

Drinks and snacks menu: The Management reserve the right to modify this menu in any way, at any time, including pricing and product availability, without notification other than the information provided in our in-house printed menu.  All drinks and snacks may contain allergens.  Please always make your server aware of any diagnosed or known allergies to any food or drink stuffs.

Drinks promotions: The Management reserve the right to modify or withdraw any price and product promotions without notice to the customer.
Data fields on all printed or virtual material must be completed with holder's details to be valid.
Change will not be given for promotion material redeemed for goods cheaper than the face value of that material.
No discounts or offers may be used in conjunction with another offer.
Any of the following or advertised offers will be withdrawn when the venue or part of it is privately hired.

Industry offer: 20% off all drinks, anytime for any member of the Facebook group, 'The Dead Liver Society' or our colleagues in the late-night licensed economy in Cambridge.

Cocktail Club:  This is a price-promotion that may be withdrawn at anytime, without prior notification to any party.  The cocktails featured will be exactly the same as those that appear at full price in our current in-house menu.  It is subject to a fair use policy and will be withdrawn, if in the opinion of management, it is used as a means to binge drink or abuse licencing regulations or our service staff's hospitality in any way, at any time.

Entry: Entry to over 18's only. UK issued and recognised photographic ID may be requested.
Hidden Rooms respectfully requests that all Clients and Guests arrive and depart Hidden Rooms in a considerate manner, taking all steps to negate any disturbance to our residential and business neighbours and local amenity.
Boisterous or aggressive behaviour will not ever be tolerated.
Aggressive behaviour towards staff or other customers during any part of the CLIENT'S visit may result in the CLIENT'S name or the name of any aggressor being passed to the local Pub Watch / Night Safe CAMBAC organisation.
Possession or association with banned substances or offensive weapons will be reported to the local Police immediately.
Entry will not be granted to persons consuming alcohol en route to Hidden Rooms, either on foot or by private car or taxi.
Security staff may request to search the CLIENT'S or guests' person or possessions prior to entry; refusal to comply with a request may result in denial of entry.
Persons intoxicated or appearing to be so will be denied entry and, or service and required to leave the premises.
HIDDEN ROOMS promotes responsible drinking and will deny service and or entrance to those who appear intoxicated or appear to be drinking irresponsibly.
Consumption of any food or drink bought or obtained from another venue is not permitted on the premises at any time.
Re-entry after leaving the premises for any period of time and for any reason, is permitted at the management's discretion only.
We operate a smart casual dress policy at all times and appreciate a positive party attitude.
Last admissions are an hour before advertised closing times.

Disabled Access: Access to HIDDEN ROOMS is not suitable for disabled persons unless assisted. Once inside, a majority of the floor space is on one level and toilet facilities may be dedicated and allocated for disabled persons' use on request.

Photography: Guests are made aware that fellow guests may have permission to carry out video and still photography.
The management reserve the right to restrict or deny permission to guests to carry out any nature of photography. All images captured by employees or agents of Niche Venues Ltd remain the sole property of the company.
CCTV is monitored and recorded for your safety and the security of others. All images captured in this way are subject to strict data protection regulations. The CCTV Operator is NICHE VENUES LIMITED at Hidden Rooms, Jesus Lane Cambridge CB5 8BA.

Not permitted:
18th Birthday Parties 
Under 18s 
Ice Sculptures  
Chocolate Fountains 
Naked Flames (includes candles and sparklers)
DJ’s / Bands or any other entertainment NOT listed within Hidden Rooms approved partners list
Cocktail & Dance Classes

Warning: All participants of ANY event must not be intoxicated upon arrival, otherwise we reserve the right to cancel the event immediately and retain the FULL payment. 

Activity rates: Our rates are subject to regular review. Any future rate increase or decrease will not apply once the client has signed their booking agreement.

Non Drinkers: All non-drinkers are welcome to attend, make alcohol cocktail and pass to people who prefer to drink. We then provide soft drinks to the non-drinker at no further charge.  
Alternatively, non-drinkers are welcome to make non-alcohol versions of the cocktails and consume for themselves.
There is no price or technique difference and the non-drinker is included fully in all activities.

Arrival time: Please arrive no earlier than fifteen minutes before your event is due to start. Doors will remain closed until the ‘time of arrival’ listed on your booking agreement. 

Last entry time: We allow up to 10 minutes after agreed event start time for delays, before our front door is closed. Entry after this time will not be permitted. No refund will be issued for late arrivals.

Fancy dress: By approval only. NO feather boas. Please ensure you inform all of your guests. Failure to comply with this term could result in cancellation of booking and refusal of entry. 

Decorations & Catering: No decorations permitted. No catering permitted. This covers any form of confectionery including cake.
Post activity: Should you wish to stay after your event has finished, please check availability at time of booking as we may not be able to accommodate without prior notice.

Refunds: Refunds will not be made under any circumstances, at any time, including customer cancellation, failure to attend your booking, late arrival, under use of prespends or inappropriate guest behaviour.
Cocktail Experience Voucher

Gifting: When GIFTING this voucher, please alert the recipient to these terms, immediately on presentation of the gift.  Failure to adhere to our terms may lead to wasted purchases and disappointment.  We will not be held responsible for ignorance of these important terms.

Terms: Voucher is only valid for the experience listed. Voucher cannot be exchanged for cash. Appointment necessary and are subject to availability. The voucher can only be redeemed once. The voucher may not be redeemed after the expiry date. Dates may be limited, please contact us immediately with your preferred date / time. Once date is confirmed, no changes can be made.  Any cancellation will not be refunded.  

Warning: All participants of ANY event must not be intoxicated upon arrival, otherwise we reserve the right to cancel the event immediately and retain the voucher and all payments. 

Arrival time: Please arrive no earlier than fifteen minutes before your event is due to start. Doors will remain closed until the agreed ‘time of arrival’. We allow up to 10 minutes after agreed event start time for delays, before our front door is closed. 

Last entry time: Entry after this time will not be permitted. No refund will be issued for late arrivals. 

Fancy dress: By approval only. NO feather boas. 

Decorations: STRICTLY no decorations permitted. 

Post activity: Should you wish to stay after your event has finished, please check availability at time of booking as we may not be able to accommodate without prior notice.

Refunds: Refunds will not be made under any circumstances, at any time, including customer cancellation, failure to attend your booking, late arrival, under use of prespends or inappropriate guest behaviour.
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